me: But honey, they're one of a kind!
him, skeptically: ok....
me: Really, they're functional works of art! I mean, there will never be another yarn just like this one. And look at the colors! They're gorgeous! If I don't buy them now, someone else will, and I will regret it.
him, sensing a losing battle: ok....

Besides, almost all these yarns have new homes now in the form of pocket scarves (just the pink/orange/purple darling needs a loving owner). The brown and blue one even lives in Australia!
What was your first? Did it speak to you? Or was it just pretty? Why do you like buying handmade?
I don't buy much handmade 'cause I'm too busy making my own. When I buy roving, though, it's always color that speaks to me. If the color reaches out and wrestles me to the ground, it absolutely must come home with me. :-) I'm also a sucker for really soft roving, like the 75% angora roving I finished spinning on Monday. Oh, my!
I think for me it was Pink Peppercorns. I don't remember for sure. I loved her stuff on first sight, and am so glad I got some. My favorite fingerless mitts are made with her yarn. And I still have a little grocery bag full. Sadly, she's not spinning any longer.
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