Aug 6, 2008

I'm so excited! or, Maggie is a big nerd.

In the last few weeks, there's been some new construction near my office. I work in a sort of planned community type area--there's plenty of homes, some condos, office parks, and (now) retail. On my walk back to Big Man's office today (he works right across the street, about 15 min walk thanks to traffic laws, and we carpool in the morning and evening, and I walk to my office), I noticed a big sign announcing what was going in the new construction, a whopping 300 yards from my office:

We have what seems to be a billion of these bags in our kitchen.

HOORAY! Not that it's awfully far, but our current TJ's is about 7 miles away (all highway). This one will (I'm quite certain) be a daily stop now! I wonder if I could ask them to hurry it along...

The only thing that could be better is if they put a Whole Foods in within 10 miles of my house--I'd think I'd died and gone to food nerd heaven ;)

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