Sep 2, 2008

I'm a lying, cheating, no good...

I lied: no blog post on the weekend, but you're getting a good one today! Please forgive me.

I cheated: I generally get 98% of my roving from Ginny of FatCatKnits. However, I cheated and got some Crown Mountain Farms superwash merino after hearing so many lovely things about it on Ravelry. It arrived today--these are Wild Horses, She's Like a Rainbow, and Crocodile Walk (l to r). I'm excited to spin these bad boys up!
But it'll have to wait till I finish this roving of Ginny's:

It's 60/40 merino/bamboo in Summer Garden. I'm really enjoying this blend (heck, I'm even happy spinning it fine, which says something coming from me!), and urge everyone to check it out. Ginny creates excellent colorways, and is always happy to take on custom orders.

I cheated again: I have *always* gotten my cold process Etsy soap from Hiromi of (you guessed it) Soap. But I was drawn in by the basil scent from Southern Vermont Soap and got a sampler pack from her.
They all smell amazing (though honestly, I don't know if I'll get a bigger piece of the basil--it smells *exactly* like basil, and I don't think Big Man, who doesn't like basil, could handle it!) and are generous enough to be mini-bars, not samples. To be fair, I also have some soap samples of some of Hiromi's new scents coming with my latest order of deodorant from her!

I'm no good: I participated in a swap on the Novelty and Art Yarn Spinners forum on Ravelry, in which we each sent packages to another person containing a picture of something, 3 words to spin by, and 5 things to incorporate into the finished yarn. I received my package with the following components:

and turned them into this:Note the piggy isn't in the yarn. I couldn't begin to imagine how to use him, so he's in there in spirit: notice the yarn is an overtwisted single, with curlicues like a pig's tail. (Brilliant, aren't I?)

I'm no good about this because we were supposed to post our finished yarns by the end of August. I finished this a few weeks ago, and haven't posted it yet. I'm a jerk.

I have so many fibery things I want to work on right now, including this cap with this handspun from AliceofKansas (for me!), a baby shower gift (coming up fast, eek!), some mesh scarves for the shop out of the softest kid mohair and brushed suri alpaca you could imagine, a lace shawl kit to develop (more on that later!), and a secret project involving things like this:


Anonymous said...

You'll love spinning the CM roving. So soft! That's what I used for the 2nd to darkest color in my graduated shawl. BTW, I love the Sidewalk Chalk capelet in your store. It's adorable.

cserdan said...

the striped sweater!!! I love that!!! maybe you should open up another shop?

have fun at the shower :)