Jun 28, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Maker of the Wool Yarns

I went on a date today. Ok, ok, so I took myself out. Big Man is out of town, and I went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Yes, it was predictable. Yes, it was cheesy. Yes, I loved it. I'm one who gets easily lost in movies, and I laughed, cried, got excited, got scared, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Karen Allen is adorable, I love Harrison Ford, and I'm developing a deep abiding crush on Shia LaBoeuf (hooray Transformers sequel). Oh, and Cate Blanchett does crazy woman perfectly. She's seriously freaky. I am disappointed I can't watch it again right now, and I think I'll take Big Man to see it when he comes home. OH! AND, the Janitor is in it! (Go watch Scrubs)

The only bits I didn't like ****SPOILERS**** were Mutt's ridiculous monkey scene (though it was a nice reach back to Marion calling the monkey their baby in Raiders) and the bit at the end where Indy says *twice* that knowledge was their treasure--I get it, Dad, I have to go back to school (insert eye roll). Also, and not that I disliked this, but there were some bits that were very much like The Mummy movies (Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz). I've always felt they drew heavily from Indy, but the bits with the city spiraling away as well as some of the other action bits felt like Stephen Sommers did them.

I inadvertently prepared for my "date" by watching Indy as I spun today (on an unrelated note, spun always seems wrong for the past tense of spinning yarn. I desperately want to say span). I always like to watch series of things or related movies as I do fibery activities.

This was spun while watching the Last Crusade, and plied during Raiders. The wool was dyed by the fabulous Ginny of Fat Cat Knits, and I added in some gorgeous copper flash angelina. Note that this is a small skein of leftover yarn that wouldn't fit on the bobbin. I'm thinking of calling it Arabian Nights, but I'm not sure.

These weren't spun today, but are leftovers from other yarns. I'm going to start offering baby skeins in my shop so that people can get a taste of my work before committing to a whole skein. These are also all FatCatKnits colorways (I love Ginny :) ).

click to see the details up close!
The single for this was spun *ages* ago (perhaps April? maybe March), and when singles sit for too long, they tend to lose their sproinginess (technical term). During almost two viewings of Raiders (yes, I was too laz...involved to get up and change the disc) I added some twist back in, and then decided it wanted to be a coiled yarn. There still wasn't enough sproing for proper coils, so it turned into one of the coolest yarns I've spun, in my humble opinion. I just went a little crazy, and anchored it every few inches.
What this photo doesn't show are the wonderful purples and greens throughout the skein (another FatCatKnits colorway!) and the gold violet angelina added in gobs. Wait till you see the "real" photos in the shop! I don't know if I'll be able to part with this one, and I think I'll need to spin up some more singles to try to do more of this style of yarn.


Anonymous said...

You're right, that coils yarn ROCKS! And of the four little skeins, I love the one in the upper right corner. It's such a pretty soft green and the little spots of pink give it so much life. Very pretty.

Maria said...

The yarns are beautiful!

You could probably charge quite a bit for a batch of "scraplets" of yarn. Freeform knitters and crocheters love them! (I know that Pink Peppercorns could never keep hers in stock.)