Aug 21, 2008


A friend who is kind enough to buy my handspun wholesale (aka, the ginormo order from last weekend) told me that she sold 20 skeins of it today at the local fair. TWENTY SKEINS, and that people from the fiber tent were asking how I do it, and someone wants two skeins of a sold out colorway. I told my husband that if I can figure out a way to sell that much every day, I'm sure as hell quitting my job (you know, since I would then be the primary breadwinner in the family!). I feel...awed, and a bit sad I didn't send more than 31 skeins for the weekend!

Wish me luck in my
hoping and finger crossing that a magical way to sell that much every day appears before me :).

Did I mention she sold twenty freaking skeins?!?


Anonymous said...

That's fantastic!! Congratulations! I haven't figured out how to sell enough to quit my job, either. I'm starting to get it that I'm not good enough to stand out amongst all the other dyers gluting the market. Disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Just keep your dear darling sister in mind when you need a CFO for your new business...

cserdan said...

that is amazing!!!! congratulations!

the pics of what you spun look incredible.