1. The craft show went pretty well. I needed to have made WAY more fingerless mitts, but if you were at the show and didn't snag a pair, please contact me to have a custom pair made. I enjoyed talking to folks who had seen me at the spring show--some remembered me! I was also irrationally excited to look out over the crowd and see the very nice guy who won the hat I donated to the raffle wearing it with pride. It was very cool.

2. I know I'm behind the times, but I just started watching The Office on DVD, and I am COMPLETELY HOOKED. As you probably well know, it's hilarious (except when it's too awkward), and quite clever. I skipped season one (because Big Man had already watched it without me cause I thought I didn't like it), but just watched the first episode of season 3 last night. Also, I am completely in love with Jim Halpert, and, by extension, John Krasinski assuming he is anything like Jim in real life. If he is, and I ever meet him...well, Big Man may find himself in a bit of a competition.
3. Unfortunately, he isn't writing anymore, but this blog is amazing. He's a paramedic in Boston, and I found his accounts of calls and daily life fascinating. You should definitely check it out for an inside look into a life most of us never see.
4. The Santa Anas have apparently started blowing again, and the weather is being weird. The temperature hasn't changed so much (it's still "cold"), but it's gone from being grey and blustery during the day to beautiful and sunny...and blustery. I know, I should shut my piehole, considering I live in a place that rarely gets frost, much less 10-foot drifts of snow.
5. I haven't bought any yarn or spinning fiber in literally a MONTH. That is kind of ridiculous for me. I feel like I should treat myself somehow, but at the same time, I feel like I would rather just knit on something that's purely for pleasure, like my vest, or Seester's Starsky. This week, though, I haven't done a lick of knitting or spinning. Too busy drooling over John Krasinski.
3. Unfortunately, he isn't writing anymore, but this blog is amazing. He's a paramedic in Boston, and I found his accounts of calls and daily life fascinating. You should definitely check it out for an inside look into a life most of us never see.
4. The Santa Anas have apparently started blowing again, and the weather is being weird. The temperature hasn't changed so much (it's still "cold"), but it's gone from being grey and blustery during the day to beautiful and sunny...and blustery. I know, I should shut my piehole, considering I live in a place that rarely gets frost, much less 10-foot drifts of snow.
5. I haven't bought any yarn or spinning fiber in literally a MONTH. That is kind of ridiculous for me. I feel like I should treat myself somehow, but at the same time, I feel like I would rather just knit on something that's purely for pleasure, like my vest, or Seester's Starsky. This week, though, I haven't done a lick of knitting or spinning. Too busy drooling over John Krasinski.
That's too funny that you just started watching The Office. I borrowed the first three seasons from a friend, and am planning on watching them this weekend (I've never watched the show, but hear it is good). And how is my Starsky coming? I leave for my trip in a month, and would love to wear it around New Orleans... :)
Um, it's awesome. I don't think H will like it, necessarily.
The sweater could be done by then. Perhaps a promise of cookies delivered in early February (after my two months of diet) would be the proper bribe required...and you know which cookies.
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