Jan 29, 2009

Randomly, it's not Wednesday

Ok, I admit I left the Wednesday Randomness post till last night, and then fully and completely got too swept up in a dramalicious Ravelry thread to do it. I didn't even knit (hangs head in shame). So here's the Wednesday post, on Thursday.

1. When walking over to work this morning, I saw there was a pile of bedding/sheets in our dumpster enclosure. People who don't work here dump stuff all the time (though they're not supposed to), so I didn't think much of it--except they do usually put it in the bin, and this was on the ground. I went over to investigate, and discovered I watch too much CSI: I left without looking too closely because the pile appeared to be human shaped, and I didn't want to find a dead body that early in the morning. Yes, it was in fact a homeless guy (which is sort of unusual around here, so I'm not entirely crazy).

2. I finished knitting the scarf of doom. I plan to cut the fringes and block the scarf tonight, and then apply the fringe (and return all the extra yarn) when it's dry.

3. Upon the advice of a lovely woman, I have been having veggie sandwiches for lunch every day this week. Well, except the day I remembered the veggies and forgot the bread. Anyway, it's wheat toast, one side spread with mashed avocado and the other with a little veggie cream cheese, and then stacked with cucumber, raw spinach, tomatoes, and red bell pepper slices. It's super-tasty, only about 360 calories (as far as I can figure), and keeps me full till 5 or so.

4. Remember the
lamb-camb? It's finally up! Be forewarned, there are no lambs this time of year. But come spring, there will be loads of them! Also, you need Java to run it.

5. I've seen photos of the ugly weather those of you in the middle and eastern United States are having. If I know you in real life, and you want to get away, feel free to come out and see me. We have a guest bedroom--but know that if you do come, you can't be allergic to either cats (as it's sort of her room usually) or wool (as it's crammed full of the stuff).

6. I promise more pictures this weekend, though not necessarily of fibery stuff, as I also have to do my sales tax return. Ugh.

1 comment:

cserdan said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the scarf of doom. The colors in it look amaaazing!