1. Folks who have left comments: I've tried responding through the email I get about them. However, unlike my friend Becky's blog host, mine is not cool enough to allow me to do that. So, I apologize. Anyone know if this is something I can change?
2. My awesome brother (technically stepbrother, but we've been in the same family for something like 14 years, so...) is a lance corporal in the Marines, and is currently stationed in Iraq on a base the soldiers call "Camp Cupcake". If you have suggestions on good stuff I can send him, I'd love to hear them. I assembled a pretty good list from scanning Ravelry forums, but I could always use more ideas!
3. Here's the "photo" I was talking about. This poor neckwarmer scarf languished as a work in progress for AGES. I can't even remember when I started it, though I recall working on it. Again, please excuse the quality of the scan.

The pattern is the Double Cable Scarf from One Skein: 30 Quick Projects to Knit or Crochet. I used almost a full skein of Blue Sky Alpaca Organic Cotton, a wonderfully soft bulky cotton. I don't like knitting with cotton, but this was a pleasure. I have one more skein of this, and a skein each of their Dyed Cotton in Caribbean and Pickle. I have to figure out what to make with them--probably something for me!
4. If I have your email address, I probably asked you to help vote for a friend in an Intel contest a while back. The friend was Susan Gibbs of Martha's Vineyard and Hudson Valley Fiber Farms, and she won! Part of the prize was setting up a lamb-camb for all of us to be able to enjoy the babies cavorting and romping. It should be operational very soon, and can be found here, so bookmark it now for future fun!
In the meantime, Susan is giving away some awesome prizes on her new blog. Sorry, the LGCD handspun yarn was already given away, but today you can enter to win some of her luscious millspun Cormo--it's worsted weight, in sweater quantity, and is SOFT, believe me! See, here it is:

5. If you're on LSG on Ravelry, you've already seen this. But most of you aren't, so here are my answers to some "Inside the Actor's Studio" style questions.
1. What is your favorite word? slender–it just sounds so pretty
2. What is your least favorite word? a certain anti-gay slur
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? color
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally? being exhausted
5. What sound or noise do you love? the birds chirping outside (especially the ones I “know”, like the little black phoebe who comes for mealworms every day)
6. What sound or noise do you hate? skateboards. The children in my apartment complex skateboard constantly.
7. What is your favorite curse word? PG version--fer pete's sake!
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? naturalist
9. What profession would you not like to do? anything involving a slaughterhouse
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You sure took your sweet time getting here.
1 comment:
I think the scanner did a great job. The cables really pop and the scarf looks awesome. I just love cables. They look so impressive but they're so easy to do.
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