Sep 27, 2008

A personal best

You may have noticed from reading this blog that I'm a bit of a dork. No, it's true, it's true. I know it seems hard to believe, but there it is.

One thing that proves my dorkiness is that at which I've bested myself tonight. I enjoy watching movies while I spin or knit--not so dorky or unusual. What is dorky (and possibly unusual) is that I like to play a degrees of separation game when I do it: if Actor A is in Movie X, and in Movie Y, then I watch Movie Y after Movie X to keep it continuous. Sure, Movie Z is good too, but Actor J is in it, not Actor A, so it's not next in line. (See, I told you.)

Well, I achieved a new high at this game tonight. I matched movies that share FOUR of the same actors!! Yes, I know, it's rather amazing. In this game, Nanny McPhee and Love Actually are sort of like being able to spell quizzicality in Scrabble. Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, Thomas Sangster, and Adam Godley are all in both movies. I felt like a bit of a genius when I realized it, especially since this isn't necessarily a case of a director liking to use the same actors in all his films (Quentin Tarantino, anyone?).
(As a side note, I began the game earlier in the day with A Midsummer Night's Dream/Rupert Everett, and then progressed to The Importance of Being Earnest/Colin Firth, which led me to Nanny McPhee, etc.)

CAUTION: dorkiness alert!!
From here, I could go in several directions: Calendar Girls/Celia Imrie, which is a bit of a dead end given my movie collection; Pirates of the Caribbean/Keira Knightley/Bill Nighy, which would last ages, as we have all three movies; Batman Begins/Liam Neeson, except we obviously don't have The Dark Knight yet and I like to watch series of things; Dogma/Galaxy Quest/Alan Rickman (don't have Sweeney Todd yet) or Tombstone/Bandits/Bad Santa/Billy Bob Thornton, but those would kill the British can see that I have many choices. It's a rough life, but I muddle though somehow.
END dorkiness

Also, as you may have noticed, I'm on a bit of a British movie kick right now. I would be thrilled to move to England immediately, however unlikely that is. Short of that, can you recommend some more good British films? Nothing too sad, please--I don't like crying into my wool.

(and I apologize for all the linkages--I just like to keep my readers informed--all two of them!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, Maggie. I honestly thought I was the only dork that watched movies that way. I'm trying to find a way to connect all of the movies I own to each other. Here's a possible line-up of movies: Fellowship of the Ring w/ Orlando Bloom to the 2nd or 3rd Pirates movie which has Bill Nighy so that leads to Underworld which has Kate Beckinsale who's in Van Helsing which has Hugh Jackman who's in X-men which has Ian McKellan who's in The Two Towers...

I think you get the idea. We're dorks together, Babe! :-)

Maria said...

British movies? How about Life of Brian? LOL

Twelfth Night? It's got Helena Bonham-Carter, who is in so many movies she must be a key player in your game. Add into your mix Sense & Sensibility -- that one has Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, and Alan Rickman. Ok, honestly, the rest of the movies I would suggest are all Jane Austen books. So I won't.

I play a similar sort of game. Well, I suppose it's only similar in it's dorkiness. I put on a song. Then, in the last minute of the song, I have to pick another song to play that fits with my mood. It's a game because I'll only do this when I'm busy with computer work, and I can get so drawn into the work that I forget to pick a song.

Oh, and btw, Andrew and I are engaged! (Can't remember if I told you.)