Jan 11, 2009

She's still alive

Though you wouldn't know it from the blog, eh? No momentous comeback, no all-encompassing post. Just some shots of a cowl neck sweater I'm working on. I'm using Sublime Kid Mohair Blend, which is a gorgeous mohair/nylon/extrafine merino that is (apparently) a worsted weight, though I would say perhaps sport if you include the halo. I made gauge for the sweater on US9s, and hope to finish it in time for Stitches West (which I'm going to, by the way. See you there?).

Also, I hope it's going to be a cowl neck sweater. I don't think this is the sweater I got this yarn for, and I'm not sure I'm going to have enough. I'm knitting it in the round instead of front and back flat, so hopefully that plus the fact that my rows are slightly taller than the pattern's will let me make the whole thing!

The pattern calls for doing a WS knit row in an otherwise stockinette sweater to give you a place to fold the hem up. I decided to to *(k2tog, yo) instead, which will give a nice picot-type edge when I fold up the hem, as vaguely demonstrated in the photo.

I'll keep you posted. Also forthcoming--pictures of my Seester in her Starsky from New Orleans, possibly pictures of a custom cowl neck T-Shrug I'm designing, perhaps some yarns I spun a while back and never photographed, and maybe some new bamboo yarns. I still have to spin those, though.


Susan said...

Fab and Fab!

And on another note -- why do you have it in for me?? Always showing me beautiful things in green. OK, so Lily Pond wasn't completely green but enough to make me fall hard.

This will be a phenomenal sweater.

Maggie said...

it's just cause I hate you, really. That's pretty much it. Cause you're an awful person and mean to animals ;).

And don't worry--I think the sweater is too big for you anyway! See, you wouldn't want a big baggy sweater, right?

velmalikevelvet said...

welcome back! wow, that yarn looks scrumptious! like green tea ice cream. yum.

thx for comment on my blog! i guess sweet + tall are good trades for being a dictionary owner. you over-ruled his grumbling, i assume?

book buddies, i like it. were the encyclos funk & wagnalls, by any chance? that's what we had!

Maria said...

Hey I heard your yarn mentioned on Lime & Violet! Good job! See you at Stitches? I'll likely be working the booth for Yarndogs, but it would be great to hang out and get stuff to eat some night. I know Andrew would love it!

Anonymous said...

I love how that yarn is knitting up. It looks so soft and lovely.