Aug 15, 2008

I am still around, really...

I've not been posting as much lately, I know. I keep thinking of things to write, but I always feel like there should be at least one photo to relieve the monotony of text, and I don't have any pictures to post.

In the last couple of days, I've had a rush rush wholesale order come in, so I've been working on that, and *loving* my new Country Spinner, Molly. Instead of plying on my jumbo Sonata flyer and not fitting the whole 4oz skein on there and having to wind the last bits by hand because the flyer won't turn around the overly full bobbin anymore, I am now plying one onto Molly, then simply tying the next one on and plying that right onto the same bobbin. I stopped because I was sleepy last night, and I had 9 skeins on one bobbin, and room for at least one or two more! Plus, it's approximately three times faster than doing it on my Sonata (sorry Cora!), so I think I can actually do proper wholesale now with that sort of yarn, which is wonderful. Now I just have to approach my local yarn shops about it...

As you might imagine, treadling a bobbin that big AND full of yarn gets pretty darn heavy--my calves will be too big for my jeans soon, I bet! Oh, and I will snap a quick picture of the wholesale yarns before they leave me so you have something pretty to look at.

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