Nov 26, 2008

It's "Friday"!

Except it's Wednesday, which is why this is a randomness post. But since I am fortunate enough to have the rest of the week off, it's Friday! Hurray!

1. While I wouldn't call it a Black Friday sale, as I can't slash prices but so much, I will be refunding 20% of the purchase total to anyone using the code "TOFURKEY" in the message to seller when they buy anything (except patterns) in my Etsy shop. This deal begins at 12:01AM PST Fri 11-28-08 and ends 11:59PM PST Sun 11-30-08. Anyone can use this code, but you have to write the code in the notes to seller in order to receive your refund. Pass on the word to friends and family! Don't you all need to buy some Christmas gifts? (hint hint)

2. On that note, I intend to list some lovely new things in the shop this weekend (hopefully Friday), including:
  • the long-discussed mesh scarves knit from the world's softest kid mohair and suri alpaca
  • a few more Horizon Hats
  • possibly some new yarns
  • some Delight mitts
  • patterns for the Horizon hat and possibly the T-Shrug
3. I feel smart. Despite the fact that it's just Big Man and I for our Thanksgiving, I decided I wanted to do a big proper meal. I chose recipes (and had Big Man approve them), made up a full shopping list, did the shopping last night (forgetting only one item!), and will begin cooking tonight according to the schedule I've made up. We're having
We're also having the el cheap-o brown and serve rolls because they're just so tasty. To top it all off, I'm making Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake and Caramel Bars. The Caramel Bars are Big Man's request--he will tolerate pumpkin, apple, and cranberry, but would rather have a big gooey pile of caramel any day. I'm wondering if my oven can handle it all...

4. Despite the fact that it's brilliantly sunny outside right now, last night (and hopefully tonight!) was cool and rainy. It was a wonderful change, and made waking up several times through last night ok, as I got to pet the cat and listen to the rain.

5. Having a wee car is not conducive to transporting a real tree home. While I will be visiting a tree lot for scraps so the house will smell good, we're bringing home this guy sometime in the next couple of weeks. My mom's Christmas present to us is to chip in on our buying ornaments and decorations, as we have none--the result of not having a Christmas of our own for 5 years now. After consultation with Big Man, we're leaning towards colors like this and silvers. Neither of us care for "traditional" Christmas colors, so bright and cheerful it is!

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