Nov 2, 2008


I promised you pictures, and here they are. These are some more FunkYarns I spun last weekend (I think), as well as a pair of Squish thread-plied merinos. As usual, FunkYarn batts were made by Hobbledehoy, and the merino was dyed by FatCatKnits. There are more after these, so keep scrolling!

I was thinking Mind Eraser for this one--it's a shooter drink made of Rumpleminze mint schnapps, Jaegermeister, and 151. It seemed appropriate. And no, the drink isn't *quite* as bad as you think.

I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Any suggestions for names?

Earth Wind and Sky--longer than normal, and not *quite* the name of the band, but...

Sheena is.... (a punk rocker)

I'm thinking about keeping this one, ostensibly to knit up an example of a pattern to show LYSs when I convince them to buy my yarn. Plus, I just really like it.

Sunshine of Your Love?

I already did one called Twilight--what should this colorway be called?

Here's a first for me--my first corespun! It's done out of the September installment of the FatCatKnits monthly merino club, and I looooove it. I only used 2oz of the wool in this, and can't quite decide if I want to do another 2oz of corespun (which means I need to buy more core thread), or if I want to do an equivalent weight of another type of yarn so they can be used together in the same project for visual texture. There are also 1/2oz of matching dyed locks to use somewhere too. Then, too, there's the question of if I'm keeping it or if I can bear to part with it :).

I decided to call it Lily Pond. Ginny, I won't mind if you make this a regular offering!

It is by far the softest and loftiest yarn I've ever made. I really enjoy corespinning, and if I can figure out a way to do it without doing all the prep of the fiber, I will do it all the time. After the prep, I think it's even faster than regular spinning, plus you're only running the fiber through the wheel once, saving time that way too.

We also watched Frida tonight. It was EXCELLENT. The movie was beautiful, in scenery and cinematography, and the story very well told. Salma Hayek was, of course, fabulous and sexy, and the other actors were terribly intriguing. You should go rent it if you haven't already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lily Pond is gorgeous and I want it. If you do decide to do more, please let me know!!

Sue (RAV: sseybert)