Nov 12, 2008

Wednesday Randomness

For the last, oh, 7 or 8 weeks, I've intended to do a Wednesday post about a few random things. Well, you know what they say about good intentions...oh. You don't? Well, they say the road to hell is paved with them. I would think, though, that if there were a road to hell, people would know about it and avoid it.

1. Using a leaf blower to push excess water out of the pathway is ridiculous. I'm looking at you, landscaper at Big Man's office.

2. There are an increasingly large number of people running the red light at the main intersection on my walk to work. It's rather amazing really. I have to admit, I enjoy (when there is not danger to my life and limbs) beginning my walk out into the intersection and making them wait and feel silly.

3. On a related note, on the drive into work a few weeks ago, we saw a guy smoking pot out of a "pipe" made from an aluminum can. This is unhealthy--you know, in case you weren't sure. Also, it is bad to do it while driving, as this fool was. Consider this a public service announcement--don't smoke pot out of an aluminum can while driving, m'kaaaaay?

4. It is supposed to reach temperatures near 80 again this week. That is just wrong, Mother Nature. I know I live in San Diego, but really? It's going on Thanksgiving. Stop with the hot.

5. I'm doing a craft show in a few weeks! It's the North Park Craft Mafia's Holiday Hit List, and it's Sunday Dec 7th. Click here for more info! I'm going to bring plenty of handspun yarn, of course, but also loads of accessories like scarves, mitts, hats, neckwarmers, and cuffs. I think more people will buy accessories for quick Christmas gifts than they would yarn, don't you?

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