Nov 24, 2008


Well, it was lovely to see everyone. I'm very glad I went. I do, however, wish I had the Zack Morris tool for stopping time so I could've slept to my heart's content this weekend. By the time I arrived home last night around 11PM PST, I had slept approximately 90 minutes since 2AM PST that morning--that's approximately 21 hours awake, since the "sleep" was dozing on the plane. I was so tired I couldn't see straight, and felt like crying. Bless my sister for sending me home with her version of chocolate toffee cookies--they gave me the energy to do things like get off the plane and find my next gate. They are delicious, and you should try making them despite the apparent messiness involved.

Also, my frazzled brain completely forgot to take pictures of the wholesale yarns before they shipped out. I do have more roving in all the colorways, though, and will share those when I spin them. Sigh. I want a nap, and by nap I mean I want to go home and go to bed till tomorrow. Thank goodness it's a short week!

Oh, and I finished a few more pairs of mitts for the show and got approximately 7" of the back of Starsky knitted for the Seester. She seems to love it, and I'm happy with it. Needless to say, I did NOT knit anything on the way back, cause it would've had to be frogged due to mistakes, I'm sure.

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